Food For Thought

Friday, February 20, 2009

' The story of Koteeswaran or Krorepathy '

"Common Sense plays a vital role to beat Recession.
- P.Natarajan

'Koteeswaran' who is the hero of our story was an illiterate person. He met both ends of his wants by running a petty shop on the road side. Koteeswaran never read a news paper, nor had interest to watch TV or listen to Radio.

He had the virtue of extending a good service to all those who came to his shop for their needs. What the people liked in him most was his 'never say no' attitude. He kept sufficient stock of fast moving items also was vigilant enough to stock such items which may be required once in a way or by a few customers that too all of a sudden. As demand for common items always grow, Koteeswaran realised that his shop sold more volumes day by day and the proceeds fetched a considerable margin.

He was not avaricious. He had enough common sense to re-invest the extra margin into his own business by employing additional sales women and men and by stocking novel items with a view to attract new customers. As an illiterate person he was not knowing what is diversification nor the timing of implementing such a strategy. But he was doing exactly the same with his hunch or premonition. He acquired the vacant lying next to his shop and expanded the petty shop to an emporium which are nowadays more commonly known as ' Fab-Mals' or 'Food Worlds' or simply 'Supermarkets'.

His earnings showed a sharp rise in line with his own name. He introduced home deliveries also at no extra premium. He attained a status symbol and 'Koteeswaran' was the name in everybody's mouth for all their needs.

Koteeswaran's son who had recently graduated from college, joined his father. He had different views. He narrated that the western world was experiencing a melt down or a recession and that it had deep roots to spread into the Asian and Indian markets. He advised his dad to get prepared to meet the oncoming recession.

The man thought that his son had a brilliant education, was well read and well versed with current situations and should therefore follow his advice. He reduced the staff strength, cut off stocking novel items, changed the policy of keeping sufficient stock to minimum levels and discontinued home services. He informally told his customers the ongoing recession world over is hitting his business and he was constrained to take such precaution...

And soon business in his shop started coming down, also the profit margin. The father said to his son " Son, you are absolutely right. We are in the middle of a recession and a crisis. I am glad you warned me ahead of time".

Very soon visitors to his shop got reduced, sales dwindled and a shop which was once busy started witnessing dull moments.

Moral of the story is very clear. It is all in your mind. we fuel the recession much more than we think we do!! We confuse intelligence with judgment. Go for value based advice but make or take your own decision. Retain the belief in your people. Cut down costs and consolidate the business. Make people believe in your positive approach and in commitments you make. Give scant respect to walking encyclopedias. Know that common sense which is more uncommon is valuable. You can beat the recession anytime provided you have the right mind set.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

While Nature Enchants, Nurture Regulates !

Nature and Nurture can be called as two sides of a coin. The personality traits of a person can be argued to be a sum total of these two phenomenon. They wield a high influence to understand what a person is today.

The looks, traits relies upon the concept of inborn biology. They get genetically passed down. This is well known as the inheritance factor. A new born does not have a blank state of personality. It inherits the most common traits of its forefathers. Nature can be rightly called as our genetic gift.

However, whether one carries his or her inherited qualities in future depends upon certain conditions, the most important being the environment. Nurture can be debated as the cause of one's behavior as well as characteristics. Imagine the children though born in a good family is brought up in different background or environment - this can change how they turn out. A plant can get the benefit of copious water supply, air, sun light, good soil and care - its quality and growth will be appreciable where as the same plant subject to unhealthy environment like a bad soil may wither out rapidly. The society background or simply the environment is crucial to child's development, thus giving nurture a face lift in its importance over nature.

Nature which is a type of genetic endowment, forms one side of the coin ,
while nurture which determines the development of traits or personality characteristics, occupies the other side of the coin.

The argument whether it is a good soil or bad is applicable here. Our genes are important because what we have inherited is essentially the basis of what kind of person we are, but the environment can alter and develop a person even more. Nature and nurture are tied in together in many ways than one.

Studies carried out on twin brothers bring out whether hereditary is the leading factor or if it is the environment. The twins shared common interest in spicy food, were good in arithmetic, loved music. The difference they showed was in working habits and thoughts. One brother was liberal the other was traditional. They had similarities due to hereditary but differences because they grew up in two different environments.

While nature is important in acquiring the traits, it is nurture that is viewed as important in altering the acquired traits.

The concept can be extended to society also. People who have a genetic impulse group together and a society begins to exist. If you were to be away from the society and wish to be lonely, that is a genetic behaviour.
Society can send messages to other individuals and influence their trends which indicates that nature can influence nurture.

Nurture has a larger effect on us than nature. It alters the trends and builds the characteristics as we grow up. It can be summed up while nature makes us who we are, nurture cultivates our nature and regulates our being in the long time to come.
