Food For Thought

Monday, March 15, 2021

' Namaskar and Abhivadanam '

 Namaskar and Abhivadanam.

        - P.Natarajan.

Prostrating the elders is a sign of respect and inturn they bless for longevity, good health and overall wellness and for progeny.

Sashtanga Namaskar refers to the  the 8 limbs of the phisical body touching the ground while the hands lay totally stretched. The body is balanced on 8points of contact with the floor: feet, knees, chest, chin and hands.Dharma Sastra advocate  sashtanga namaskara when we meet elderly people. There are some conventions people follow by prostrating the elders more than once, when they meet.

There are times when Namaskarangal are not called upon. While we meet them in temple premises, it is enough we fold both our hands together and bow. No prostration when they are seen in sleeping posture  or clad in wet cloth. During the period of vrithi or moaning, no Namaskarangal. Those who fall below our grade or dignity are not to be prostrated. When we prostrate before the deities, no abhivadana to be recited, so also for the stationary yeti, monk communities.

No abhivadanam before women.  In case, when we encounter a group of elderly people together, we should not say abhivadanam.

Next comes ' recitation of Abhivadanam which consists of one's 'pravaram, ghotram, sutram, vedasaka, sarma(name). It should be audible to them. In turn the elders bless the doer when the abhivadanam is said to be completed. At the time of reciting, both the palms should touch the ear folds respectively and present them at the feet of the elders.

An illustration of abhivadanam recital follows for a given sect say Kousika Ghotra. The three Rishies associated with Kousika ghotra (pravaram) are:- Viswamitra, Aghamarshana, Kousika. The lines representing the three rishies in abhivadanam are:- ' Abhivadaye Viswamitra, Aghamarshana, Kousika, Thraiyarishaya praranvida (meaning in this order). Next comes the name of the Suktam and the Vedasaka of the doer. Drahyayana Sutra, Sama Saka,  ...The last part of abhivadaye is called the ending part :-  adhyayi Venkatarama Sarma aham asmi bho(meaning I am so and so.) Sutra refers to an aphormism or collection of texts. they appear as layers of Vedic literature. pravara refers to the three sects of Rishies associated.

Apasthamba Sutra is one of the oldest dharma related Sanskrit text and is extant sutra from Taitraya School of Krishna Yajurveda. Apastamba laid no claim to the title Rishi or any inspired Vedic Works. Sutras lay down the rules to be followed when karmas are performed stipulated in the respective Vedas like Rig, Yajur and Sama which is commonly known as Anushtana. The two Sutras associated to Sama Veda are:- drahyayana sutra and ranayaka Sutra. The complete abhivadanam runs like this for example:- '' Abhivadaye Viswamitra, Aghamarshana, Kousika thrayarsheya, pravaranvida, Kousika Ghotraha, Drahyayana Sutraha, Samasaka Adhyayi, Sri Venkatarama Sarma, aham asmibhoho '' !. The receiver or the elderly person would respond saying:- '''Ayushmanethi ''' ! ( have long life )!.
