• ‘ Doctrine of Saranagathi with a convincing analogy ‘
         -  P.Natarajan.

    The Cart is lifeless

    The Bull has both Life and Intelligence

    But the Cart Driver Locks the Lifeless Cart

    With the Intelligent Bull

    Decides the destination & Drives the Cart

    How much distance, load and Time

    And  all these Decided by the Cart Driver Only

    Though Brainy, Being the Carrier of the Load

    The Bull Can Do Nothing


    The Physical Body which has no life

    Interlinked with Atma or Life

    Driver Who is the God

    He  only Guides and Drives

    Decider is HE

    Director  HE  Only

    Man Surrenders

    Longivity , Time Frame,  Living Style

    Decider  beng the Almighty Only

    This is the Prescription Mandated by Him

    The man who realizes and surrenders to Him has no worry

    The Person Who is A Non Believer will have no Peace
