Food For Thought

Thursday, July 26, 2007


In the month of July, the Sun shines bright in U.S., probably more so in Rocky Mountains in Colorado. You can hardly believe the time is 8p.m. in the night as it looks like 3.30p.m in Bangalore or 3p.m. in Chennai. The time pleasant for walking is sometime between 7.15 to 8.00 p.m. When I returned yesterday night from a brisk schedule of walk, my wife and daughter announced that dinner was ready. Aparna wore the gloves and took out from the oven hot-hot Pizza which she had prepared with lot of enthusiasm and attention. Three, four toppings made the Pizza very delicious, also colorful. We all had good share. Ice cream Delight was then served in in a large cup, perhaps this is a speciality in U.S. which the native Americans enjoy.

After food, I continued reading the last two chapters of Victoria Holt's " THE PRIDE OF THE PEACOCK ". ' Lakshmi ' serial was on show in TV when Vignesh, our grand son, called from the first floor " Patti, Patti ", It had become 9p.m.and it was story time ". As my wife was busy in loading the dish washer, she asked me to take turns to oblige my grand son. I closed the book and went up.

The Pride of Peacock was about a " Green flash at sun-set " - THE PRECIOUS OPAL which had been stolen by the house maid after the death of the Master. This prompted me to remember the story , my grand mother used to say about a thief. She used to say " MAY BE A THIEF FOR MANY, MANY DAYS , BUT SURE TO BE GOT ONE DAY " :-- The story went in this way .....

" A thief by name ' Black ' used to make survey in the day time to decide which house he could rob in the night. He became quite an adopt in his job and made his booty quite sufficient and safe. Black planned to visit the adjacent village that day and decided the spot in the morning where he would strike late in the night. He chose the local Zamindar's house, as it appeared to him to be a large treasure house. He spent the evening in the temple choultry and when it became pitch dark, he reached his target. He climbed through the pipe line and got inside the veranda. He was shocked to notice guards posted at strategic locations and decided that it would not be wise to attempt in that house. He retreated stealthily when his leg hit at a sack. He saw the sack full of onions. Being a thief, he was tempted to steal some portion of the onion and shoved the same in his bag. He was able to come out of the house and he looked at both left and right sides and finding none, he was about to run. But he was halted by a hand from behind and to Black's horror, it was the security guard who caught him. The guard tied Black so that he could be produced before the Zamindar in the day time, the next day.

Black admitted before the Zamindar that he stole the onions. He begged forgiveness. Zamindar was willing to forgive him but at the same time, he thought he should not be left scot-free. Zamindar gave three options to Black and left it to him which punishment he would choose. (1) Pay a fine of Rs.100/- ;(2) Accept 25 beatings by a whip; (3) Eat the entire onions 'Black' had stolen.

Black thought wouldn't cause anything. He started eating the onions before him. He found his eyes burning, nose sneezing, face sweating and mouth coughing. He accepted to Zamindar he could not bear any more and preferred to take instead. Zamindar ordered his servant to start beating him with the whip. Two, three beatings went on and Black fell on the ground and confessed that he could not bear any more beating. Finally Black agreed and paid the fine of Rs.100/- and thanked God that he could go away.

Vignesh, my grand son, went to sleep within minutes after I finished narrating the story.

The highlight of the story that Black suffered all the three punishments. If only, he were able to decide correctly or calculatedly or with some judgment, he could have accepted the option and could have walked paying a fine of Rs.100/-

Black's sufferings proved that he was like a cat on a hot tin roof or simply a cat on the wall. A cat on a wall is indecisive which side jump'. The cat is sure to be caught if it remained in the wall for more time.

Incidentally, Tennessee William's Book " A CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF " was a best seller. The theme of the novel centers around human experience in a Society. The Society dictates to people how they should live. Lack of human communication at the time of the story drives the principal characters invariably lonely. Man's dramatic loneliness or helplessness render him inactive or to do anything else but be human. He is not able to decide anything and he becomes like a cat on a hot in roof or just a cat on the wall simply.

The movie " A Cat on a hot tin roof " released in 1958 with Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman in the lead role was nominated for Oscar, though it did not win any Oscar.

Some of the lessons that occur to me after reading the novel'A Cat on hot tin roof':-

-(1) Deliberate with caution, but act with decision, yield with graciousness or oppose with firmness "

-(2) No matter how late it is , it is never as late as it will be, later on.

-(3) Failure to plan is planning to fail

- (4)Action is eloquence

-(5)Going slowly does not stop any one from arriving

-(6) Chance favours only the prepared

-(7 Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

" The Chariot and Five Horses Run in Relative Speed "

Raman and Ramanan , two young friends, were seated near the pool of water under the shadow of a mango tree in the garden and were engaged in a conversation. They saw a Rishi coming towards the direction they were sitting but stopped ten yards before.

The Rishi unfolded a bundle and took out some white substance which looked like ' Ata flour.' The sage became busy gathering bundles of dry sticks and lighted them. He took out a medium sized stone from the ground and kept it above the fire. Raman and Ramanan were watching the Rishi preparing Roti with the gadgets he found in the garden site. He made two Rotis and then rushed to the pool side to fetch water. As he was fetching the water, the friends observed a cryptic change in the Rishi's face. The sage was fast to reach the first spot and took the two rotis in his hand and tore them to pieces , scattered them on the floor and splashed the water over and started walking in the opposite direction.

Ramanan signalled his friend and both ran after the Rishi to inquire his action which was truly baffling. The sage stood still hearing footsteps behind and Ramanan begged the sage to let them know why he abandoned the Rotis.

The Rishi looked sorrowful but explained he should not have desired on the first count to have the Roti. In the short interval of time when he went to fetch the water for drinking, he confessed that his mind oscillated whether the Rotis were safe or any bird, animal or some Yatri had carried away from its place. It was a form of fear and soon turned as greed as he felt that the Rotis belonged to him and no one had the right to snatch them from him. A Rishi should not have a belonging sense and the desire itself took the form of hate and the ' Raga, Dvesha' made him to realise that it was not becoming of a true Rishi which ultimately led him to throw away the Rotis into pieces.

The sage took deep breath and addressed the the youths :- " The uncontrolled worldly desires will ruin the beautiful spiritual journey of life. The body can be compared to a chariot. the soul is the passenger. Duty and renunciation are the two wheels of the chariot. Love for ' Parama Dhama ' can be regarded as the axle. The five senses are the horses of the chariot. Raga and Dvesha are the stumbling blocks and lust, greed, anger are the plunderers. Scriptures provide knowledge to dispel the darkness. Intellect is the driver of the chariot. The intellect needs to be strong by the fire of self - Knowledge and discrimination Yama and Niyama serve as the whip when Sadhana and Detachment will act as the two cords to control the sense-horse. Carelessness can cause accident on the road to " Parama Dhama ". The Maya river has to be crossed by using Japa as the boat.

The Sage continued that the ' Pancha Boothas ' namely Akasa or Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are the basic elements and one should make the right use of the five sense organs namely the ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose. Supreme intellect is known by various names based on the functions performed by the body. When it thinks, it is known as the MIND. When it reasons it is BUDDHI. Citta or thought waves when the mind wanders or remembers and it is ' Ahankara or EGO when it has the feeling of doer-ship. When it does the functions in the BODY it is called " PRANA ", the vital force of life.

Ramanan and Raman realised at the end of Rishi's lecture that self realisation is the goal of human birth. the intellect becomes polluted during the youthful years just like the clear water of Ganga gets muddy during the rainy season.

Ramanan's face brightened and he told his friend what the Rishi told had also been confirmed by the Scientist Einstein that the mind and matter are both forms of Energy and found the famous formula E = mc2. " Energy equals mass times the speed of Light squared - the theory of relativity "

Friday, July 20, 2007

" COMMON - SENSE " is often UNCOMMON "

Commonsense is often uncommon. Let's examine whether this statement is true or acceptable. Here I am presenting four simple riddles to start with , which I had come across many many years ago, to trigger the senses or brood over and to find how much they are common or uncommon :-

(i) Can you name three consecutive days without using Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday ?

(ii) It is greater than God, if you eat it you will die. What is it ?

(iii) Mountain will crumble, Temples will fall, no man can survive its endless call. What is it ?

(iv) I am as small as an ant, as big as a whale , I ''ll approach like a breeze but also can come as a gale , by some I get hit, but all have shown fear, I ''dance to the music though I can't hear , I have many names but one is popular, I am as slow as a snail but from me you can't escape. What am I ?

In the process of answering these questions, we sense a query. If it is rare , why is it called a commonsense. Sadly the inability to figure out the obvious , we call as commonsense. Most people come to know only when they are told about it. For example people lack commonsense to figure out what is a propaganda or what is true in deciding whom to vote.

Webster's Dictionary defines Common-sense as having or exhibiting native or nouveau good judgment or the ability to make a sound judgment. There is an inquisitiveness to foretell what is to come. Commonsense helps in taking spot decisions and to make use of available resources. We don't use proper language at times and later it is our commonsense which makes us regret that it was not becoming of us to have used that word at that critical juncture - we could have used a better language and so on.

Expert Computer Programs are designed to work only in certain domains. They are hard of common sense possessed by a common man. The systems can not extend beyond the scope originally designed for. Common sense is what people " sense ' in common and would agree in common.

Common sense also refers to the beliefs or knowledge held by people in common. It does not require study or research but an extension of prudence, wisdom and experience of a person.

The ability to use knowledge about knowledge is exhibited in common sense. Situations change in time as a result of events. For example, antibiotic for cholera may kill the cholera bacteria but the damage to the intestine of the patient may cause loss of fluids that would be fatal. This is a new situation arising out of the cholera bacteria. Artificial intelligence faces problems in understanding concurrent events. But common sense , which a person by experience has in a particular field could visualize the concurrent or new event.

Another example to illustrate common sense :- Consider the fact that when two objects collide , they often make a noise. Common sense tells that this fact can be used :-
1) to make a noise
2) to avoid making a noise
3) to explain a noise
4) to explain the absence of a noise

Common sense is :-
(i) One is a sense of things being common to other things
(ii) The second is a sense of things that are common to humanity.

We can say God is common to humanity. I remember a story in this connection. A small merchant but known to be very pious in a village approached a land lord in the same village and asked for Rs50,000.00 as a loan. The land lord listened to his version but asked him to bring a witness. The merchant said " GOD " would be his witness. The land lord told him that Rs 50000.00 is half a lakh and it would be safer if at least he brought a surety. The merchant pleaded that " god " stands as a surety for him. The land lord knew the merchant to be pious and God being common to humanity, the landlord gave him Rs 500,000.00 in the name of God. But he put one condition that the merchant should return the money with interest within a span of 10 months.

The merchant had the commonsense what would fetch him quick returns and he went in the right direction. He also went abroad and made a big business. His earnings increased manifolds and he remembered that there was only short time ahead for returning the loan to the land lord. Unfortunately, he was not able to get a berth in the ship. He became restless in the thought what the delay would cause - an irreparable damage to his belief in God !. He decided to shove the currency in a hollow timber float and closed both the ends properly to avoid ingress of water and put the float in the water and he told himself that God stands witness to his action. The float guided by current of water and air travelled towards the other shore where the landlord was waiting to see if any boat or ship coming towards the shore where he was standing. The land lord saw the float touching his feet and with curiosity took the bamboo float in his hand and opened it. His surprise knew no bounds when he read a letter written by the merchant why he chose that last resort to send the money in that manner in the name of God. Tears engulfed the land lord's eyes and he looked up the sky to thank God for the merchant's welfare first and then only for himself.

The commonsense was with the merchant and also was with the land lord. The commonsense decisions made by them at that point of time has really mattered in the long run. It looks like a life's decision !!

I know you will be looking for the answers to the riddles. Let me add three more commonsense riddles before I answer all :-

(v) What is the color of the vest's sleeves ?

(vi ) The rungs of a 10 feet ladder attached to a ship are 1 foot apart. If the water rising at the rate of 1 foot per hour, how long will it take for the water to cover the whole ladder ?

(vii ) Start of Eternity:- I come at the end of time and at the start of eternity. I come four times every week but only once in a thousand years. WHAT AM I ????

The Answers to all the 7 Commonsense questions:

(i) yesterday, today, tomorrow

(ii) the answer to this riddle is 'NOTHING ".

NOTHING IS GREATER THAN GOD AND IF YOU EAT NOTHING, you will have to starve only when death is inevitable.






I finish this mail by referring to what Tenaliraman advised his son who was caught by the King's soldiers when he stole a currency of Rs.100.00. The King's soldiers caught him red handed and they were taking him to the King to award the punishment. Tenaliraman happened to come across at that time and saw his son's plight. COMMONSENSE guided Tenaliraman and shouted at his son " If you have a mouth, you will survive ". Tenaliraman's son also used his COMMONSENSE to figure out what his father meant. He immediately used his mouth to swallow the currency note of Rs.100.00. The soldiers were caught napping and had nothing to show to the King. They also knew very well Tenaliraman would come to his son's rescue at anytime to fool the soldiers altogether. THANKS TO COMMONSENSE !!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

" Will to Live is an Innate Desire - A Survival Instinct "

Pranav and other students were learning under a gyani known as " Kalagnirudran " over some years. The Guru was leading one day the 'sishyas ' to visit a sacred place and they were to cross a stream where water was flowing smoothly but the depth was knee-high. The students were talking between themselves when they entertained a doubt. The guru asked what was the matter.

When others kept quiet, Pranav took courage and asked the Guru, " How is it
possible to find out whether a person is a true Gyani " or not ? The master Kalagnirudran who was also revered as a ' Gyani ' did not get upset at Pranav but instead he smiled and uttered that " All of us are going to cross this stream now by foot - ok - the feet of a true 'Gyani ' will not get wet when he reaches the other side of the river, you can witness the experiment right now ".

Pranav and his friends were under dismay, while crossing the stream full of water, in the thought how would it be possible, what their Master said, that too when the water was flowing knee-high. They crossed the river across finally after a passage of say about 25 minutes. And every one's eyes quickly and instantaneously turned at the feet of their Guru who was also regarded as a ' gyani' and were shocked to notice that their Guru's feet were as much wet as their's. Pranav was again bold enough to raise what was in every one's lips and addressed :- ' Guru Deva, your feet are wet, does it mean that you are not a true ' gyani ' ?

" Kalagnirudran heartily laughed and explained " Whose feet you are referring, my dear Pranav ", and continued ' they are not my feet ', the physical body does not belong to me, let alone the feet, when there is no belonging , how can there be a sensation that it have become wet or not". Pranav and other sishyas felt proud that they were learning under a true ' gyani ' who had reached a state of desirelessness.

What is the dynamic behind desires ? Desire begets desire. Longing leads to cravings and greed - the myraids of desires. " Will to Live is an Innate Desire - THIS IS THE SURVIVAL INSTINCT ". We don't decide each day, as we get-up, whether to live or not.Rather it is a simply part of us - that inexplicable spark.

In a Corporate power system, it is synanimous to say 'nothing stops to get to the top'. Successful ways do mean and affords security , also it gives freedom or desire to rule over the subordinates. The web of desires make one to be self centered. It narrows the scope and flow of life rather than being expansive and free.

Hindu scriptures talk of four prime endeavors of life - ' Dharma, Artha , Kama , and Moksha '., Dharma is source and origin for human values. Artha is affluence and Kama are desires that provide basic support for worldly living. Moksha is central point of realisation, the abode where ' SELF'S FLAME IS FIRED UP '.

Life is a journey, a time comes when one starts treating the wider society as his own family. According to Manu Samriti :-


" when a householder finds that his skin has turned loose, his hair has grown grey and his son too has been blessed with a son, then he should , invariably, take to vanaprastha " - literally means leave for the forest. Here a person withdraws himself from the desires, serves the humanity with a smile. Desirelessness leads to salvation.

Spectrum of life teaches us to chant day and night the universal prayer:-


'may all be happy and lead a life from disease and devoid of worries, may fortune always smile on all; and none come to any harm or suffer sorrow or misfortune ".

Chanting this verse gives power in one's mind and he can be the master of the game of life as he is good, thinks good, does good.

Men engage themselves by and large in activities prompted only by desires to benefit from the results. They withdraw from acts that bring no benefits. But Geeta condemn both the attitudes for whether consequences follow or not , one can not escape from the obligation to be active.

Let us again listen to " Kalagnirudran, the Gyani and Guru " who gave some tips to Pranav and other students how to control desires. He said " Sit in a place for some time and notice when you have a desire and decide to let that desire go. you may realise that desires are something you don't really have control over. They come up on their own one desire pops up after another. As you are sitting one place for quite some time, one desire like moving to another place or to change your sitting position may come up. you may want the pain in your legs to go away. You may want to get-upand have something to eat. You may want to eat rich food. you may want to earn a lot of money. You may want people to like you. You may want things to go well at your works. You wanted, you wanted, you wanted. you wanted one after another. Those desires came forth and presented themselves. That part you don't have any control over. But you do can exercise some control after that point. YOU CAN DESIRE ON A DESIRE OR NOT.

FOR INSTANCE, WHEN YOU GET A DESIRE TO HAVE A STRONG COFFEE, you can decide " No, I don't want a cup of coffee really , now that I think about it " In other words, you don't control whether or not a desire to come-up. But you you do can control whether to hang on to that desire or LET IT GO " SIMPLY SAY TO YOURSELF THAT " you don"t want that right now ". NO MEDICATIONS ARE REQUIRED. JUST YOUR WILL TO SAY ' NO '.

A person shows what he is by what he does with what he has. We should aim rather at levelling down our desires than levelling up our means. Manifest plainness, Embrace Simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few Desires. From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.

Pranav and other 'sishyas' admired at what their Guru " Kalagnirudran " advocated when they reached the other side of the shore.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Recent three week ends in Highlands Ranch & Recreation


( i ) There was a Carnatic Music Concert last week, held in the Hindu Temple in Highlands Ranch , and one Sri Ram from California was the singer. Sri Ram is a desciple of Lalgudi Jayaraman and the concert commenced in the evening at 6.15 p.m. We reached the temple just 5 minutes before. Sri Ram was clad in double dhoti with large ' zari ' border and a starched white jibba. He gave a look of below 30. He was tall and gave a pleasant and intelligent look without any air.

He began with a keerthana in Bahudhari raga set to adhi tala. Abhohi followed Bahudhari with a fine mettle. Sri Ram delivered Amruthavarshini next in a style reflecting what Amruthavarshini really means. Sahana is known for its melody and the there was concurrence in its rendition by the musician, to this effect in the raga alapana . The main song Sr Ram chose was " Oh Rangasayee " and he brought out the elements of kambhodi in great details. The kalpana swaram was lifting in rhythm & poetic in appeal. Shanmugapriya was taken up as a piece of ragam and thanam and pallavi was rendered in ragamalika. There was a ' Vritham ' , sung devotionally and the audience appeared to be in a state of trance when the singer was wandering in the high octaves. Sri Ram was well accompanied by Smt. Nirtya in the violin, again a desciple of Lalgudi . Kanjira and Mirudhangam was played by one and the same man in appropriate style. Both the accompanying artists are the residents of Highlands Ranch ( Denver ) only.

The women audience looked as if they were from Mambalam and Mylapore areas and there was no doubt that carnatic music was running in their blood as exhibited by their gestures reciprocating the ' tala ' and ' bhava '. We returned home by 9.15 p.m., heart filled with vibrant music.

(ii) In the mid afternoon of previous week end , we were at Chat field State Park. The Park has a beautiful setting with a diversified ecosystems.Visitors admire the Chat field's rolling foot-hills, expansive reservoir. Abundant wild life exists in the arena but we did not go deep inside. We sat on the shores of the Chat field Lake and mingled with Highlands residents.. Boating is a common activity in the lake. The park has a reputation as a popular area for launching hot air balloons. I was given to understand that 15 lakhs tourists visit the park in a year. The Chat field Park is just 6k.m. from Aparna's residence.

(iii) Yesterday evening, Highlands District Metro, organised a " Ice-cream Social ", in the Civic Green Park which is located at the heart of Highlands ranch. The Park is a favorite among the residents. Civic green park hosts family picnics, community events, The park is being built in six phases where funding is required.

There is an Am phi theater graced on each side by bright purple penstemon flowers. Flowers which are drought-tolerant flourish in Green Park. There is a wading pool with an interactive fountain , children celebrate the evenings especially in summer splashing the water with spirit and enthusiasm. An attractive monument is at the entrance. The play ground areas have a green patch. Shelters with benches and picnic tables and having electrical connections are available and they can be booked in advance for convenience. Rest rooms are available in the park. Providing automatic drinking water stands is a retrieving picture in the park.

Additional amenities like new shelters, picnic tables are being added. Park is filled with children who climb the popular structures and play. A huge basement car park area helps the visitors to park their cars comfortably.

Coming to the " ICE - CREAM SOCIAL ", it was a big success. The highlands residents stood in different Qs with their children. the Q was moving very orderly. Children, both boys and girls in age group of 8 to 14 were the volunteers and they dug the laddle deep into the different cans and served with a smile, strawberry, Vanila, Chocolate, Fruit ice-creams in a bowl in addition to cone ice cream. Like the attractive co lours of Ice-creams, their attire also seemed to match, more so were their smiles. We purchased some co loured ribbon bands at a nominal price to collect five varieties of unlimited ice-creams. We spread the blanket on the lawn and squatted in front of the stadium and tasted the Ice-creams - they were tasty , fresh and and good.

In the stadium, orchestra was on play where 35 to 40 artists dressed in an immaculate white shirts and pitch dark pants were seen in swift action in tune with the direction of the Conductor.

The interesting part was little Karthik was seen dancing to the rhythm along with some other children in the open area in front of the stadium. He was gesticulating in line with the drum beat with his hands and body. Perhaps he has an ear for music.

The Ice-Cream Social was yesterday.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The ground was tense with excitement. One ball to go and five runs to win. Anirudh of ' Denver Cricket Club ' went forward to take the ball in full-toss itself and lofted the ball aggressively over the bowler's out-stretched hands. The Umpire signal-ed six and victory to ' D.C. Club '. " It was a good thing ", every one started saying that Anirudh went for a six in the last ball.

'It is a good thing to have tools and techniques ' - often we hear such statements as certificates of merit or means. What are good and bad things ? Some may ask for more information / data to qualify that statement but many may decline to preempt a ready answer.

Good things are related to right things. Right things may mean what are compellingly correct and meet approval for use.

Bad things are naturally opposite of good things.

If it ever seems to us that world is a place where bad things happen only to good people, it is because , we shall believe that bad things happening to bad people is a good thing ! Who are we to judge like this and wish something bad to the good or bad ? Who knows what is good or bad and when and where and how ?

All good things come to he, who waits.

All things are not same as they look like. All that glitters are not gold.

Anirudh prayed to God to give him a Benz car. God does not work that way. Steal a Benz car and ask God for forgiveness ? pl. tell me which is a good thing or which is bad in this episode. Perhaps you may agree with me that Anirudh's praying to God is the only good thing in the sequence.

There are no principles, there are only events. There is no good or bad, but there are only circumstances. I can tell a story to explain this context. Anirudh's father bought one horse for his son. But the horse suddenly fell ill and was of no service. Anirudh thought it was bad thing to happen. But his father bought one more horse from an excellent breed. Anirudh thought it was a good thing and was going for a ride round the race course with pomp and pride. A weak passed fast and on that fateful Sunday Anirudh fell from the horse and broke his legs and bruises all over the body.. He was hospitalised.

It was war time. The young men from Anirudh's colony were sent to Vietnam War. Anirudh was the only young man left out or escaped as he was in the hospital. Bad news came subsequently that many young men were killed in the War.

People living in the colony told it was a good thing that Anirudh escaped the war. The logical questions I can hear from your mouths are :- (1) Was the first horse falling ill , good or bad ? (2) Was it right or good to buy a second horse ? (3) Was it good that the new horse tripped Anirudh ? (4) Was it not good that Anirudh hospitalised ? (5) Was War good that killed many youths ? or (6) Is it good for people to fight one another ?


There are only two sides of a coin - head or tail. Neither Head is a good thing nor Tail is a bad thing. But if you call wrongly, you don't have a choice, the opportunity is seized by the opponent. But one can not be sure it is for good or bad. The outcome only can decide the grade.

The blemish less smile of a child holds many lessons for the grown-ups. The child is open to face the world. It is not worried of the consequences. Smile will not blossom from that is not good. A child with a smile is readily receivable. It will be a good thing that we learn from the child's smile to receive others with an open heart. We also understand that a child is the father of man.

Lines can be drawn and joined to form rectangles, squares, triangles, quadrilaterals or circles. These figures can be further used to make figures, shapes or puzzles. Alternately lines can also be just scribbled and a name as ' modern art ' can be given to it. The question is can any one elaborate what is good or bad things ? - application is what matters.

Sugar or sweet is good thing in general and people are described as " sweet " by those who like them for their qualities or abilities or for their helpful nature. Even some places or some articles are described as sweet. But sweets are not good for patients. They are bad things for them. Here, what is good or bad is decided by what results it causes- causal effect.

Kapildev's ball was a beauty but to the batsman who got out, the ball was not so. He badly missed the coveted figure of 100 by that beauty of the ball. We can see from this example the mix-up between the good thing and bad thing.

All good things must come to an end including our lives. Nothing lasts for ever.

This passage also ends here.

He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last

He who laughs last, lasts long. He who laughs last, laughs best. HE LAUGHS BEST WHO LAUGHS LAST. So many ways to laugh !!!!

A child laughs in a sing song way. Those who know the child know the song !

Laughing at somebody is considered as a ridicule.

If a boy laughs when he sees another boy falling, he is sending his negative energy out in the thought that he has escaped from falling.

Laughter is an expression of amusement. Laughter is a part of human behavior controlled by the brain. Laughter arises in response to touch like tickling.

Therapeutic effects of laughter are many, as Laughter is the best medicine.



Always laugh when you can. It is a cheap medicine.

If its sanity you are after, there is no recipe like laughter.

Laughter is the sun who drives winter from the human face.


Man plans, God laughs.

Friday, July 06, 2007



Thirupuranthakan was engrossed in " RAGE OF ANGELS " , the compulsory page turner, when he heard the knock on the door. He immediately slipped into
his over-coat before he went for the door. Visweswaran was all in smile, standing at the entrance, with some papers in his hand. It was some packing slip he was carrying. The day was a Sunday and the time was in the morning.

They both sat in the dining table. Thirupuranthakan took out the cups from the shelf and poured hot steaming coffee from the flask . Visweswaran signed that he did not want much. Thirupuranthakan said that a cup-ful means eight (8) ounces or 237 m.l. only and placed it before his friend. Visweswaran held the cup in his hand and started to puff some air through his lips to cool the blowing steam from the cup. Thirupuranthakan watched his action intently and admired how lips , as a sensory organ, exhibited emotion and enabled a person to speak and aided in the intake of food or liquids. He also remembered the popular song 'there is a language in her lips.....'.

Both the friends took the first sip from their respective cups. Thirupuranthakan knew that Visweswaran was not a person like some of his other friends who were tight lipped and even gave slip stealthily from the sight.

Visweswaran works in Cochin slipway , a ramp on the shore, as a chief executive. He had come to participate in the Cricket match. He was the captain of Cochin Team which won the ' Umrigar Cup ' consecutively in the last four years. Visweswaran was also an expert in slip fielding and his dives in first slip was remarkable to bring off spectacular catches.

Thirupuranthakan bit his lips before telling his friend that he did not go out on Sunday to play cricket as he was under treatment for slip disc which happened when he slipped from the slippery stair case the other day - the slippage was excess causing slip disc. Visweswaran advised him not to slip the cricket practice when he became well, as he knew Thirupuranthakan as a great opening bat. They started discussing India's disastrous campaign in the World Cup and the general slip or decline in standards both in the short and long versions of the game.

They also talked about the movie " Davincicode" where the cup for the Eucharistic wine was referred as chalice with a riddle or clue associated with it. Visweswaran remarked that the holy grail is not a physical chalice or cup but a woman named Mary Magadelene who carried the holy blood or the blood line. Leonardovinci knew that Mary Magadelene was actually the holy grail and therefore in his famous painting " the last supper " the chalice or the cup is absent and Mary Magadelene is portrayed in its place.

Thirupuranthakan remembered that the book Davincicode by Dan Brown, which he had finished reading a long time back, was safely resting in the ' slip-case.' Thirupuranthakan voiced that Davincicode is the 13th best selling book of all times with 61 million copies in print and translated in 44 languages. Visweswran immediately added that davincicode film grossed more than $750 million, the second highest earner in the year 2006.

Visweswaran added that the commencing scene in the film depicting the killing of Jacques Sauveur, the curator in Louvre Museum had been well taken but the later part involving Robert Langsdon and Sophie Neveu spearheading the search to unlock the mystery left behind by the dying curator about the blood line of his grand daughter Sophie Neveu is well written in the book than shown in the movie.

The friends took two more sips from their cups. The coffee was just hot & obviously very much refreshing.

Visweswaran apologised to his friend that it was a slip of his memory that he did not bring his wedding album. Thirupuranthakan could not attend his wedding due to his slip disc and had requested him to bring positively his wedding photographs during his forthcoming visit.

The " Rock Band SLIP " music was flowing from the disc but suddenly there seemed to be a slip in the frequency and the melody was slipping. Thirupuranthakan attempted to get up from the chair to tune the instrument but in the process, as he was unwell, slipped his cup in a small way and some drops of coffee spilled over the table. Visweswaran saw the slip or sliding action and and stretched his hand to hold his friend's cup from further slide.

The friends again sat on the dining table and held their cups firmly to complete the coffee. There was a distinct, characteristic smile in their lips.

Visweswaran finally took leave from his friend and wished him speedy recovery from his slip-disc and humorously added " better slip with foot than the tongue ".

We can now see both friends embracing to show that they cared for each other.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

' Cups Lips Slips '


Thirupuranthakan was engrossed in " Rage of Angles " , the compulsory page turner, when he heard the knock on the door. He immediately slipped into
into his over-coat before he went for the door. Visweswaran was all in smile, standing at the entrance, with some papers in his hand. It was some packing slip he was carrying in his hand. The day was a Sunday and the time was in the morning.

They both sat in the dining table. Thirupuranthakan took out the cups from the shelf and poured hot steaming coffee from the flask . Visweswaran signed that he did not want much, Thirupuranthakan said that a cup-ful means eight (8) ounces or 237 m.l. only and placed it before his friend. Visweswaran held the cup in his hand and started to puff some air through his lips to cool the blowing steam from the cup. Thirupuranthakan watched his action intently and admired how lips , as a sensory organ shows emotion and aids in the intake of food or liquids and also enabled a person to speak. In fact, he thought of the maxim 'there is a language in her lips'. Both the friends took the first sip from their respective cups. Thirupuranthakan knew that Visweswaran is not a person like some of his other friends who were tight lipped and even give slip stealthily from the sight.

Visweswaran works in Cochin slipway , a ramp on the shore, as a chief executive. He had come to participate in the Cricket match. He was the captain of Cochin Team which won the ' Umrigar Cup ' consequently in the last four years. Visweswaran was also an expert in slip fielding and his dives in first slip was remarkable to bring off spectacular catches.

Thirupuranthakan told his friend that he did not go out on Sunday to play cricket as he was under treatment for slip disc which happened when he slipped from the slippery stair case the other day. the slippage was excess causing slip disc. Visweswaran advised him not to slip the cricket practice when he became well, as he knew Thirupuranthakan as a great opening bat. They started discussing India's disastrous campaign in the World Cup and the general slip or decline in both the short and long version of the game.

They also talked about the movie " Davincicode" where the cup was referred as chalice and a riddle or a clue was associated with it. Visweswaran remarked that the holy grail is not a physical chalice or cup but a woman named Mary Magadelene who carried the holy blood or the blood line. Leonardovinci knew that Mary Magadelene was actually the holy grail and therefore in his famous painting the chalice or the cup is absent and Mary Magadelene is portrayed in its place. Thirupuranthakan remembered that Davincicode Bookk by Dan Brown he finished a long time back was safely rests in the slip-case.' Thirupuranthakan voiced that Davincicode is the 13th best selling book of all times with 61 million copies in print and translated in 44 languages. Visweswran immediately added that davincicode film grossed more than $750 million, the second highest earner in the year 2004. Visweswaran added that the commencing scene depicting the killing of Jacques Sauveur, the curator in Louvre Museum had been well taken but Robert Langsdon's search to link the mystery left by the curator about the blood line of his grand daughter Sophie Neveu is well written in the book than shown in the movie.

The friends took two more sips from their cups. The coffee was obviously very much refreshing. Visweswaran apologised to his friend that it was a slip of his memory that he did not bring his wedding album. Thirupuranthakan could not attend his wedding due to his slip disc and had requested him to bring positively his wedding photographs during his forthcoming visit.

The Rock Band SLIP music was flowing from the disc but suddenly there seemed to be a slip in the frequency and the melody was slipping. Thirupuranthakan attempted to get up from the chair to tune the instrument but in the process, as he was unwell, slipped his cup in a small way and some drops of coffee spilled over the table. Visweswaran saw the slip or sliding action and and stretched his hand to hold his friend's cup from further slide.

The friends again sat on the dining table and held their cups to complete the coffee. There was a distinct, characteristic smile in their lips.

Visweswaran finally took leave from his friend and wished him speedy recovery from his slip-disc and humorously added better slip with foot than the tongue.
We can now see both friends embracing to show that they cared for each other.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

" The Fourth " - U.S. Celebrates

We participated today in the Independence Day Celebrations of the United States of America. Each County makes their own arrangements. We went to the grounds by 9 a.m. in Highlands Ranch, about 2k.m. from home and watched the parade, music, etcetera. Today , though being a hot day, the county people gathered near the high grounds and demonstrated their patriotism to their Mother Land.

1) Independence Day in US is commonly known as ' the fourth of July '; or " July Fourth " or simply as "The Fourth ". It is a National Holiday.

2) Independence Day Fire works are very much traditional. The Midwest's Fire Works display called " RED WHITE BOOM " in Downtown Columbus in Ohio is the largest attended by 7,50, 000 people and millions watch the Telecast by NBC.

3) Patriotic Songs which include the National anthem " The Star - Spangled Banner ", ' America, the beautiful ', ' My Country, 'Tis of Thee "; ' The Land is your land ' are sung after the Fire-Works.

4) RARE COINCIDENCES OF " JULY FOURTH ", but remarkable.

a) John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who participated in signing the declaration of independence on July 04, 1776 became Presidents of USA later. Both died on the same day on July 04 in 1826.
b) James Man roe, another US President also died on July 04, five years later in 1831.

c) President Collin Coolidge was born on July 04 ( in the year 1872 )

5) First Space Shuttle was launched in USA on July 04 in 2006.

6) Nathan's HOT DOG EATING CONTEST which supposedly started on July 04, 1916 is an event hotly contested today also. Americans consume about 150 million hot dogs on July 04, one hot dog for every other person in USA. The contest initially happened between four immigrants to show and demonstrate who was more patriotic.

7) Another custom on Independence Day, families get together and take advantage of the long week-end or off-days and go out on picnics, barbesques with relatives and friends.

We have also plans to go on a picnic, may be tomorrow.

Monday, July 02, 2007

" Mohandas Gandhi - part II :- His life was his monument , he now belongs to the humanity "

This is part-II and continuation of the article titled as ' Mahatma Gandhi, the friend of the poorest, loneliest and the lost ' which I wrote on 29th June 2007.

Gandhi wrote from prison to Mrs Naidu, " I hope you haven't missed the woman in me ". Mohandas Gandhi had the might of a dictator but the mind of a democrat.He preferred to conquer with affection rather than power. Intuition was the alley of his intellect and guided him in his works. The combination of masculine and feminine qualities seamlessly and harmoniously welded together what made Mohandas intricate and attractive. It is the clue for his success in public work and personal life.

Gandhi's NON-VIOLENCE is almost like a creed of his personal ethics. Truth, love, service dominated as contents while scrupulous methods and means guided his temperament. Desirelessness and tolerance ruled his sentiments and portrayed his core of non-violence. Gandhi resorted to non-violence techniques for prevention of conflicts between races, communities and countries. He told his audience to turn the search light inwards and " see perhaps the fault is partly yours ". Violence is self perpetuating element where as non-violence seeks to adjudicate, negotiate arbitrate to prevent occurrences of disputes.

" This was not Gandhi speaking, but General Omar N Bradley, Joint Chiefs of Staff of US Armed Forces ". He went on address on Nov 10, 1948 in Boston, ' Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants, we know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. Gandhi knew nothing about killing but had found the secret of happy, useful living. GANDHI WAS A NUCLEAR INFANT AND ETHICAL GIANT. He had rejected the atom because he had accepted Christ's sermon on the Mount. He was a Christian, Jew, Moslem and the Hindu at the same time. who else is ? Perhaps that is why it was the Hindu who became the spokesman for the conscience of mankind."

Mahadev Desai, Gandhi's friend, adviser, chronicler whom he treasured as more than a son, died by his side in prison of a heart attack. And on Feb 22, 1944, Kasturbai, her head resting on her husband's lap breathed her last. Mahatma was disconsolate. He mourned the dead. 22nd of every month, Gandhi conducted memorial service for ' Ba ', this is how he called her affectionately. Gita was sung.

Jinnah is a Hindu name and he was born in Kathiawar and spoke Gujarati at his parent's house. But Mohamadali Jinnah became the biggest trouble for Gandhi. After partition of Pakistan, Gandhi asked Nehru Govt. to pay a sum of $125,000,000 as its share of assets of the then United India. Dr. John Mathai, the finance minister, Nehru and Sardar Patel met Gandhi and explained why they didn't concur with Gandhi. Tagore's words came in Gandhi's vision, " If no one responds to your call, walk alone, walk alone ". Gandhi remarked to Sardar Patel, " Sardar, you are not the Sardar I knew ". Gandhi's reaction was followed up by a subsequent cabinet meeting and it was agreed and a sum of $125,000,000 was paid to Pakistan.

Gandhi lived 78 years but about 2310 days he had spent in prison in India and 214 days in S.Africa.

Hindu-Moslem riots spread over Bihar, Bengal and Punjab was tormenting Mahatma. He commenced his fast on the morning of Jan 13, 1948 " all-in-fast ' to death if need be, directed at the conscience of all'. He told his friends ' not to worry, I am in god's hands.' This action paid dividend. When Hindu-moslem riots stopped, he announced he would break the fast. Prayers were sung, in Parsi, Moslem, Japanese and then the Hindu Verse was read:-


Gandhi went on to say he wished to live up to 125 years.

It was Madanlal, refugee from Punjab, who first plotted to kill Gandhi. Later Nathuram Vinayak Godse joined as fellow conspirator.

At 4.30 p.m. on Jan 30, 1948, Gandhi's last supper was brought in, consisting of goat's milk, cooked and raw vegetables, oranges and a concoction of ginger,sour lemons, and strained butter with a juice of aloe. Knowing Gandhi's devotion to punctuality, Abha held up his nickel plated watch to show the time was 5p.m. and he was getting late to the prayer meeting. Gandhi was leaning on the shoulders of Abha and Manu and cleared five steps to the level of the prayer ground. Gandhi lifted his arms, smiled, and touched his palms together-in a traditional greeting-blessing.

Godse had moved into the front row, his hand on the pistol in his pocket. He stood in the path of Mahatma and bowed in reverence. Godse pushed Manu and planting himself two feet in front of the Mahatma, fired three times. The smile faded away from Gandhi's face and his arms descended to his sides, " He Ram !, Oh God ", he murmured, and was instantly dead.

His legacy is courage, lesson truth, weapon love.
His life is his monument.
He now belongs to the mankind.