Aani, The Jyeshta Month of The Tamil calendar
Aani, The Third Tamil Month
Suggestions came from many who read my previous article titled as ‘Vaikasi’, to continue writing about the other months in the Tamil Calendar. The suggestion I take it as a positive sign of response from the readers and it is no exaggeration when I admit that it has motivated me to write about the third month in the Tamil calendar, namely the ‘Aani’ month, which follows immediately after Vaikasi.
Aani, this year begins on 15th June and ends on 16th of July. It is also known as Mithuna as the sun roams in Mithuna Rasi during this period. Aani is the last month in “Uttarayana” before the onset of ‘Dakshinayana Punya Kala’. The whole of Uttarayana constitutes the morning for the Devas and hence it can be well said that Aani month marks the beginning of the evening for the Devas.
The longest day occurs on June 21st as we are well aware - so the month Aani is celebrated as the month having the longest day period. In other words the Sun sets as late as 8p.m. in places like Delhi. In USA, it is even longer as we experience after arrival here in Canton on 10th of June 2014. Pl. believe me when I say that 9p.m in Canton, Michigan in USA wears the look of 6.30p.m. in India. Sun performs overtime in Aani and we work and sweat more in the unbearable heat.
Aani is also called as ‘Jyeshta’ month in Sanskrit which means ‘senior’ and true to this Aani is the longest month as it spreads up to 32 days, unlike other months. ( June 15th to July 16th ). The reason is simple for this phenomenon in that the Mithuna Rasi is bigger in size and the SUN takes longer time to cross the Rasi, thus making the day time longer.
Astrology says that people born in the star Moola in Aani are likely to wield authority like a King over others, as Moola Star happens to coincide with the Full Moon day. ‘Aani Moolam Arasalum’ is the Tamil proverbial statement.
The valid interpretation for the saying in Tamil ‘Penn moolam nirmoolam’ is that Moola Star falls on Ashtami or Navami in the month of ‘Kanya Month’ when Goddess Durga vanquished the Asuras. Astrology also advises not to conduct a marriage between the first born in Moola in Aani with a girl of same star also born in Aani, as there would be no scope of progeny. In Tamil the statement which portrays this meaning is :- “Thalaichanukku Thalaichan Ahadhu”
Astrology further explains about “Jyeshta Abhishekam” which takes place in Temples, and the festival is conspicuous in Palani. The Star Kettai in Tamil is known as ‘Jyeshta’ in Sanskrit. The Lord of this star is Indra who is the head of Devas. Indra worships Maheshwara in Aani coinciding with the Star Jyeshta or Kettai, to retain his status as the Head of Devas and to improvise his powers to rule better and healthier. In similar way business magnets, politicians in power worship by performing ‘Jyeshta Abhishek’ for retaining their status and to progress well further.
‘Aani Tirumanjanam’ is celebrated in Chidambaram in Uttara Star in this month when Lord Nataraja is taken on a procession in the palanquin with lifters of the palanquin dancing to a set rhythm. Thousands of devotees gather to watch the tirumanjanam of Lord Nataraja on this day in Chidambaram.
Mithuna Rasi is blessed by Budha Graha who also stands as the Lord of Vidya or Education. Space Scientists find themselves in advantage with the blessings of Budha Gruha and they work extensively in the month of Aani exploring Space Technology as the Sky is very clear in this month. They greet Aani tirumanjanam day with great enthusiasm to explore research in space.
Famous people born in the month of Aani include one of the four Saiva devotees ( Naalvar) namely ‘Manikkavachakar’- Jayanthi falls on 12-07-2014.
He had the darshan of ‘Eswara’ in Thiruperunthurai temple under the Kurunthai Tree. The Lord brought to limelight Manikkavachakar for his great devotion.
Kurma jayanthi falls in Aani (23-06-2014) when Mahavishnu took the avatar of a tortoise to bear the weight of the mountain Mantra and to keep it in equilibrium while it was used to churn the Ksheerabdhi for obtaining the nectar by the Devas.
Another great personality born in Aani was Perialwar - his Jayanthi falls on 07- 07-2014. His songs in praise of Lord Krishna stand as history. It is said that Lord Maha Vishnu once rejected Dwaraka and Vaikunta to be in Periyalwar’’s place, to enjoy the singing of his ‘Paamalai’.(Poetry). ‘Om Namo Narayana’ - these three words formed a great Mantra and was constantly chanted by Perialwar with extensive devotion.
Nada Munigal who showed the world ‘ Divya Prabhandam ‘ was born with the star ‘ Anusha ‘ in the month of Aani. (his Jayanthi falls on 09-07-2014.
He was credited with the name Kattumannar as he found the Divya Prabandham composed by the Alwars which sing in praise of Vishnu. His birthplace is known as Kattumannarkoil which is 25 miles away from Chidambaram. Veeranam Lake which is an abundant source of water for Tamil Nadu is situated in Kattumannarkoil. Nathamunigal was taught by Alawar ‘Nalayira Divya Prabhandam’ when he was in deep meditation in union with the Lord. Nalayira Divya Prabhandam is known as the Veda in Tamil literature.
It is believed that the month Aani is hailed as the bestower of wisdom and the personalities born in Aani and mentioned in this essay were titled as ‘Gyani’ or one of the greatest visionaries who stand for invaluable guidance for the mankind to progress in the right path.
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