' The Goals '
As and when we make a purchase of a consumer durable item like Fridge, Washing Machine, operating instructions also accompany as a part of the sales documents. It is how the manufacturer can educate a customer to get to know the features of the machine and to run it in an efficient manner. It becomes obligatory also on his part. God, the Creator of all of us completes this duty in an architectural manner by placing a substance called "Brain" in the head, which becomes part and parcel of the anatomy of the human body.
This is the best operating instructions, God, who is in charge of 'srishti', could incorporate in a human being. It is left to the individual there after how he powers his brain by sustained learning process.
Vedas, Puranas, Dharma Sastras, Sciptures, Gita and plethora of literatures are available for an individual to grow and understand the Universe, People and their Behaviour Sciences to improve their intelligent quotient, conduct and character. They also act as a police in supervising the flow of human traffic and enable them to reach the right destination.
Bathruhari Maharaja says " I thought I knew much, but when I started learning, it dawned on me that I know nothing'. The first lesson Sastras teach is that never imagine that an individual can act in whatever fashion his mind thinks. An old folklore in Tamil starting " KAN PONA POKKILE KAL POHALAMA, kal pona pokile manam pohalama, manam pona pokkile Manithan pohalama, Manithan pona pokkile maranthu pohalama" 'unquote' , is most appropriate to pen here.
"Pravarthi Chakram"
Gita explains the significance of 'Yajna' which can be summed up in one word as "orderly life".
annat bhavanti bhutani
parjanyad anna-sambavaha
yajnat bhavati parjanyo
yajnah karma-samudbhavah (Gita 3-14) - the meaning:- annat-from grains, bhavanti bhutani-living bodies grow;; parjayat-from rains; anna-smbhavah-food grains grow; yajnat-by performing sacrifice, bhavanti prajanyo-rains are produced; yajna is born of prescribe duties.
All living bodies subsist on food grains. Rains are required to produce the crops. Rains are produced by performing Yajna. Yajana means leading a righteous life. Vedas teach how to lead a dharmic life. The Vedas get generated from Baghavan. This is termed as ' Pravarthi Chakram" or 'Cycle of Religious Living". Rituals stand as pillars and support actively the religious life.
The goal of life is to obtain peace. Should some one says he wants children, it means he will have peace through them. Similarly should some one wants position, power or money, it should be understood that those are the means for them to obtain the ultimate peace.
Vedas say the peace is within you. No need to search anywhere else. I wish to cite a story to emphasize this point. A traveller who felt thirsty found a well surrounded by some plantation. As he peeped into the well, he was surprised to look at a necklace sparkling inside the water. He forgot his thirst, jumped into the well and tried his hand to grab it. But he couldn't succeed. He came out of the well and looked at the dazzling "thing" again. He repeated the process but in vain. A sage happened to pass that side and he called him and expressed his desire to get the necklace from the well. The sage rubbed his beard in contemplation and took a stone from the ground and threw into the well. The ripples were produced in the water, the necklace appeared as if it moved in the vortex. The sage looked up and saw the necklace hanging in the branch of a tree. The traveler had seen only its reflection or image in the well. Likewise, we also search for peace elsewhere, when it is available within you. Upanishads stress that peace is within you. There is no need to go in search of happiness elsewhere when it is within you.
There are some blocks at the perception level in leading a normal life. It should be remembered that happiness does not come alone. It comes mixed with some pain. May be the pleasure may emanate as a result of materialistic possessions or as a consequence of a good deed done , but the truth remains that the happiness what comes is mixed with some traces of pain or even misery.
The second flaw is that we don't feel contended with the gains what have already been earned but look for much more. The discontentment can also arise by odious comparisons. One aways like to score more over the neighbour. For example, you may possess a well built house. But in the years to come, a sort of feeling lurks in the mind that you could have made the drawing room more spacey or built the house in a different location and so on. In short instead of comparing with those who suffer on account of not owning a home or owning a limited space, we do the other way only to get dissatisfied.
There lies another dichotomy at the perception level which can be termed as 'the dependency factor'. Do we not fall prey to the possessions what we hold? When a person gets used to travel in his own vehicle, it is but common that he feels strange to go by walk whenever the vehicle is garaged. We become slave to the habit of using the vehicle. This is known as the dependency factor. It is a common sight to see people in the upper income group to go for a stroll say in Jehu or Marina beach holding their pet dog by means of a chain. It also happens sometime later that the dog leads the same man. The lesson is that don't become a slave to any possessions.
Misery and anger result as a by product of unfulfilled desires. We get angry with those who impede or come in the way of our progress if they happen to be less fortunate than us and if they are well placed, we get angry at ourselves and feel sad. The bad effects of anger is worse than that of desires. Durvasa Rishi's anger is well known from the 'Puranas'.
Nala & Damayanthi or Dhusyantha and Sakuntala had to leave their kingdom and live in a forest and get separated later - had all happened because of the anger component in Durvasa Muni.
The route for leading a peaceful life is no doubt to lean on Godliness. Prahalad prayed to Lord Narayana that he wished to remain thinking of HIM always. God gives you a good family, good children and in short a good life. HE cures you from all diseases. Prayers cure you from the guilt feelings. HE safeguards you from the loan you owe. As we set our goals and pray, soon we may set God himself, as the goal.
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa advocates:- " Hold the God by one hand. Do your normal work with the other hand. Whenever you get the opportunity, hold HIM with both the hands. In this process HE will always remain with you in the mind."
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