Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Srimad Bhagavatam - Skanda 1 Chapter 16 -- ' Cow and the Bull ' that Parikshit saw ' and Chapter 17 ' Parikshit creates Fear in Kali '


(Source: Velukkudi Sri. Sri. Krishnan Swamy's writings in recent Tamil weekly Tuglak  - This would serve the limited purpose to read this chapter of Sacred Srimad Bhagavatham by those who don't know to read Tamil or don't get access to the related recent issues of the  Tamil weekly magazine 'Tuglak')

 Srimad Bhagavatam - Skanda 1 Chapter 16  --  ' Cow and the Bull ' that Parikshit saw '.

Suta was conversing with Sounaka and other Rishis. Uttara gave birth to Parikshit. He married his uncle Uttaran's daughter by name Iravathy.. Janamejaya and three other sons were born to them. Parikshit once wished  to conquer other  kingdoms and embarked on a voyage in his chariot. He saw an amazing incident en-route. A Cow and a Bull were standing next to each other. The Cow was weeping. A common man disguised as a King was beating both the animals. Parikshit Maharaja got angry and attempted to save the Cow. Suta then narrated what happened there.

"What is this? Why a man had to hit the animals? Is Krishna's ' leela ' involved in the episode? " - Sounaka raised these questions and pleaded to Suta to narrate the story.. He was also convinced that by hearing God's involvement in the incidents of these nature one can obtain liberation. 

Suta commenced the story:- Parikshit had learnt that 'Kali Purush' had already entered  his country. Krishna had left Bhooloka and departed to Vaikunta. Hence Kali found it   convenient to start his evil ways. Parikshit was determined to drive Kali away. He conquered Badraswam, Sethumalam and other countries. People sang Parikshit's glory.  As he was furthering his victory march, he came across a Bull standing on one leg..He was perplexed by this sight.

The Bull enquired the Cow, " Why are you sad and crying? Have you lost any relative? Are you weeping because I am standing on one leg instead of four legs as a normal course?  Are you sad as there are no rains for long? Is it due to lack of protection extended to women folk by men? Are the children not well fed? Is it due to killing of fetus or murdering of women? Are you crying because Krishna had left this world for Vaikunta without solving your problems ? Or you  worried that the world is unable to bear the destruction being caused by the passage of the Time? Pl. answer me ". It should be noted here that the Cow was none other than  the Goddess of Earth and the Bull, Dharma Devata.
The Cow replied:- " Yes. I am crying. Bhagavan was embodiment of noble qualities like Truth, Purity, Compassion,Tolerance, Contentment, Straightforwardness, Control of the Senses, Equality, Wisdom, Dispassion, Broadmindedness,Valor, Grace and Strength. Unless these qualities prevail in the world, people can not lead a quality life. Since Lord Krishna had left this world, there is no semblance of existence of these noble straits. Kali Purush has now entered. Kali would destroy every thing and trouble every one including Devas, Pithrus, Rishis, Sadhus and the Public in General - why even you who is the God of Dharma would suffer at the hands of Kali - I am saddened because of this . I shall  tell about me now. Brahma prays at the feet of Mahalakshmi for his welfare. Lakshmi always remains at the lotus feet of Vishnu. As Goddess Earth, my spirit excels when ever Vishnu's feet touch the Earth. Alas, now that feet of the Lord Krishna have left the world for Vaikunta - I am totally shattered and unable to bear the irreparable loss. 

As the Cow and the Bull conversing, let us shift for a while our attention to Parikshit who had now reached the banks of River Saraswathy in Kurukshetra.

Skanda1 - Chapter 17  -   Parikshit  creates fear in Kali

Parikshit reached the spot where Kali was. The King witnessed a man  disguised as a King  beating the Cow and the Bull. Parikshit shouted
aloud :-" Oh, Evil as you are, why do you beat the poor Cow and the Bull? Though you look like a King, yet perform acts that are to be condemned . Are you  trespassing the boundary since Krishna had left this world followed by Arjuna ? Do you think there exists no other Ruler to question you. Beware that I am the King from the clan of Arjuna and Pandavas. The Pandava dynasty knows how to protect the people and even the little animals from the woes.Unaware of these facts you are committing sins. Oh, Cow, the Goddess of earth and embodiment of virtues and with Devas residing in you - why should you weep? Oh,Bull, why have you lost the other three legs and stand on one leg? Why  are you both afraid of the Kali Purush?  Tell me the cause , I shall get rid of them. A King has to protect those who lead a life of integrity and honesty."

The God of Dharma, in the form of the Bull spoke like this:- " I am happy that you speak worthy as a descendent of Pandava Clan. I am unable to answer your questions directly. It is imperative, you have to find the cause. Some blame it is because of  Atma, many put it on  God, or may be the ill effects of karma or can we blame that we are born to suffer only. Please can you ponder and arrive at the cause of our woes?
The King  started thinking deeply. By the effects of his 'Tapas', he was able to identify who were the Cow and the Bull and also the person disguised as a King and beating the animals. The Bull was standing on four legs at the beginning of Krita Yuga. The four legs of the God Dharma portray (1) Purity (2) Austerity (3) Charity (4) Truthfulness. But, later arrogance,desire and pride - the three weapons belonging to 'Adharma' knocked out the three noble traits  Purity, Austerity and Charity. - one by one in each of the three Yogas ended. Parikshit realized that Dharma Devatha was standing on Truthfulness alone, and that too, Kali was about to crush. The King also understood that the Cow who was none other than the Goddess Earth and was unhappy after Krtishna's departure from the World. He vowed to protect them. The King drew the sword and went near Kali to kill him when Kali Purush pleaded thus:- "Oh King, I surrender at your feet. pl. don't kill me. I am to be the ruler of the next age (Kali Yuga). Sp please spare my life".

The King said, "Since you have surrendered, you have to depart as you have no place in this Earth where we practice only good and noble deeds". Kali Purush pleaded that the same God who created the Three Yugas had also created him. It was not his desire to be cruel and do wrong.He requested Parikshit to allot him a place to stay back in consideration of some good qualities he possessed.

Suta then continued the narration:-  " Parikshit thought  deeply about Kali's plea  then said ," It's alright - I shall assign you five places. You can live in all houses (1) for gambling and  (2)drinking, (3) places where there is cruelty to women and (4) animals and  (5) Centres where Gold is acquired and hoarded".
Kali readily accepted the places assigned by the King but quipped that he had a huge figure and that those five places would not be enough. The King reiterated that Kali could readily occupy the minds of those who passionately amass wealth or Gold which would provide a large space but Kali was not contented. The King added the fields of (6) falsehood, (7)  pride, (8) jealousy,  (9) enmity and (10) lust. These ten places Kali Purush accepted, flourished and prospered.

Kali was sent off in the above manner judiciously by the King. Further, the King commenced good deeds like performing Tapas, homas to restore the three legs that got lost in the three Yugas gone  by. Parikshit ruled and led the country in 'dharmic path'.
Suta proclaimed to Sounaka and other Rishis that they were performing ' tapas ' firmly in the environment created by Parikshit which was totally rid of Kali Purush.and his ill-effects. They can lead a life of devotion and righteousness without the evil ways of Kali as Parikshit had driven him away once for all.

Now, that we know the places where this wicket Kali resides, we must try to avoid them, and like King Parikshit, we must try and restore to the poor bull, its three lost legs - Purity, austerity and Charity.



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