Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Superlative ' 9 ' !


The Superlative Number :-

I have written in my Blog recently about 9 Forms of Worship. The Number 9 figures or decorates in many other forms.  I have presented those which come in my mind below:-

1) Symphony 9 of Beethoven is the best known works of Western Classical Repertoire !

2) 'A cato'nine tails ' is a multitailed whip used to implement severe punishment in Judiciary, Navy and Army in U.K.

3) 9 - A term used to indicate purity of metals and chemicals.

4) "K-9" pronouncing same as canine denotes the police dog unit in U.S.

5) 9 - New York Subway service

6) Ninth Avenue is a major avenue in Manhattan

7) US Route 9 from New York to Delaware

8) A human pregnancy normally lasts 9 months.

9) The 9 on Yahoo features nine top web finds of the day!

10) A Polygon with nine sides is known as Nanagon.

11) 9 is the atomic number of  Florin. ( a chemical ).

12) 9-bhava or rasa in Natya Sastra:- pleasure, smile, pity, anger, chivalry, fear, hate, wonder and shanta

13)  Sacred 9 rivers - Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathy, Godavari, Sarayu, Narmada, Kaveri, Palar, Kumari

14) Nine metals (Nava Ratnas)- Gold, Silver, Mercury, Copper,  Iron,  Tin, Zinc, Nickel  & Antimony,

15) Nine Abhishekas to Deities:- Turmeric, Panjamritham, Milk, Ghee, Honey, Curd,  Sugar, Sandal Paste, Vibhuthi

16) Agni kunta :- There are Nine Patterns or formats of Agni kuntas for performing yaha.

17)Navaratnas - The govt. of India have classified PSUs that have comparative advantages as Navaratna companies such as Coal India, SAIL, BHEL and so on.

18) Nine Vratas -  Somavara vrata, Thiruvona, Umamaheswara, Sivarathri, Pradosha, Kethara, Rishabha, Kaliyanachandra and Soola Vrata

19) The Characteristic Nines -  kindness, pleasant, truthful, benedictory, tenderness, meditation, keeping time, august presence, Mouna(Quiet)

20) Nine Forms of Worship -  Sravana, Keertan, Smarana, Padasevana,  Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakkya, Atmanivedana



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