Two Signifies Symmetry
‘Two’ Signifies Symmetry - P.Natarajan.
Two identical or similar things form a pair. For example we say a pair of gloves or a pair of earrings. Two individuals who are associated in some way like a pair of liars can be cited as another example. A married couple is a pair. Two playing cards of the same denomination is a pair. Two card players matched together against different contestant is a pair. Two postage stamps joined together either vertically or horizontally is called a philately pair. A pair of scissors come under this category.
( Symmetry in Architecture )
Symmetry is beauty based on or characterized by such excellence of proportion. A circle has a rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry. Symmetry refers to correspondence in size, form and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of the plane.
The creation of the human body is a wonder. The anatomy or parts of the body like hands, fingers and all others are in their places. The fingers have different lengths in some proportions and when the hands fold in a ‘namaskar’ form, the fingers of both the hands join perfectly and symmetrically. We can note a similar thing in our legs also - ( The skin under the foot however much we walk, does not get worn out. Also the center portion of the foot does not touch the ground ).
( Symmetry in Physical Body )
It is the wonder of creation that we have two numbers of organs which help us in smooth functioning the body. We have two eyes that give a smart look to a person. Listening is very important and to do this we have two ears. To stand on one’s legs, we have a pair of legs. Similarly nostrils, kidneys, intestines, lungs and excretory passages are in pairs in humans. One mouth and one heart is intentional and it is left to the readers to answer the question ‘why’?.
We can explore two types in many walks of life. There is bliss and there is pain. Happiness that comes after undergoing the sufferings is really enjoyable. Life unfolds youth and aged. The sex of the born child is either a male or female.. A coin also has two sides, head and tail. Jivatma and Paramatma are two - a pair of entities. In religion we can cite Advaitham and Dwaitham. ( Visishtadvaita is the offshoot of Dwaitham and hence not reckoned in the discussion ). The Sun, the stars, the sea are Natures’ beauty in symmetry.
( A Beauty in Symmetry )
The VIBGYOR formation of the Rainbow is a topic of poetry. rainbow bends in a symmetric way on the right and left halves.
The Symmetry of splashing water in air is like an architecture. The musical fountain contains moving jets of water, coloured lights and recorded music controlled by a computer for dramatic effects.
Architects employ overall symmetry as a method of telling the viewer that the building is a physical impression of an important belief and ideas of the people who constructed it. Egyptian Pyramids, Greek Parthenon, 1st and 2nd temples of Jerusalem, China’s forbidden city, Cambodia’s Angkor wat complex, gothic architecture, Cathedrals, Indian Temples, Jefferson’s ( American President) Monticello - all these speak volumes in symmetry and esteem.
Taj Mahal is an example for bilateral symmetry.
A butterfly also is symmetrical bilaterally. 
A symmetric function is a function which is unchanged by any permutation of its variables. for Example : X+Y+Z and XY+YZ are symmetric functions, where as X to the power of two minus YZ is not symmetric. Sudoku grid is a latin square where no repeated values from 1 to 9 in any of the blocks of contiguous 3x3 cells follow a symmetric pattern. 2x2 game puzzles like ‘prisoners’ dilemma’, ‘chicken’, stag hunt’ are based on symmetry.
Role of symmetry in Music finds many aspects of creation and perception. Pottery created using a wheel acquires full rotational symmetry. A palindrome follows symmetry to read it same in both directions like ‘Amor’ and ‘Roma’; Race Car; Taco cat’; “No’x’ in Nixon”; Malayalam; Level, etc.
As an individual is friendly, others become more cooperative with him. Japanese word for ‘Thank You’ is ‘Sumimasen’ which means this will not end. It calls for future action of kindness. Positive action is proactive whereas negative action is retrograde or inverse. Reciprocity in effect conveys the sense of symmetry. Symmetrical interactions send the message ‘We are all the same’ while asymmetrical interaction send the message ‘I am special, better than you’. Peer relationships are based on symmetry whereas power relationship are based on asymmetry.
In Direct Current Technology, there are two terminals one having positive charge and the other negative charge. Potential energy ( Stationary ) is asymmetrical to Kinetic energy. (moving)
In Direct Current Technology, there are two terminals one having positive charge and the other negative charge. Potential energy ( Stationary ) is asymmetrical to Kinetic energy. (moving)
There is a chinese saying that good things come in pairs. In Finland two candles are lit on Independence Day - putting them on window sill invokes the symbolic meaning of division and thus independence. In baseball scorekeeping, 2 (two) is the position of the Catcher.
If one ( 1 ) is the essence, Two ( 2 ) is the existence.
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