Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Pancha Bhoothas

The Pancha Bhoothas:-

1.0 The Good Earth, Water, Fire, Air, The Akash are the Five Elements that form the Nature. It can also be said that Nature can be divided into the Five basic or core Elements. In a similar manner Properties can be classified into Sound, Touch, Sight, Substance (Taste), and Smell. Let's next look at the Five Elements vs. Five Properties.

2.0 The Earth is said to possess all the five properties. The Sound waves exist in the Earth. You can touch the Earth and feel the surface to be smooth or rough or inclined.The earth surface has a shape that can be looked at. It has substance and Smell.

3.0 Where as Water possesses four properties only. It has no smell. ( I don't refer here the Corporation Water pl.) .

4.0 Fire can create noise, if you dare to touch it, it can burn your finger. You can 'see' fire burning.

5.0 Air or when the wind blows it can make the sound. You can also feel the wind when it caresses you. But Air has no figure or shape.

6.0 The Akash has one property only that is it can make '' Sound''

In a nut shell, the Earth has five properties, the Water four, Fire three, the Air two, and the Akash one .

The Almighty surrounds all the five elements and exhibit the five properties also. Earth or the PRITHIVI kshethram is in Varanasi where Lord Viswanath resides. In Thiruvanaikaval, Jambukeswarar resides immersed in Water. Arunachaleswarar is in Jyothis -Swaroopam in Thiruvannamalai. The lord is in Vayus swaroopam in Kalahasthi. The sanctum sanctorum is 'Akash" in Chidambaram and Lord Nataraja's feet is lifted sky bound in a dancing posture.

The Pancha Bhoothas or the five sensory elements of a human being are, the Body comprising the anatomy; the ear that can hear, the nose that can smell, the eyes that can see and water all thru'. besides the body can sense the touch feelings and the tastebuds in the tongue can relish or condemn a taste. All the sensory organs in the body have holes and the body is often compared to a BAG filled with air.

what distinguishes a man from the rest is his intellect- the power of visualization and imaginations. This logic sense is a great asset god has given to humans and to nobody else. How we live depends how wise we make use of this power and how well we polish our intellect. A person can choose a particular field depending upon his aptitude and specialize for his lively hood and for rendering service to humanity.


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