Saturday, January 20, 2007

Timeless Principles

INDIA became republic on 26th January 1950. A Republic is a sovereign country whose Head of State is an elected President, not a monarch.The supreme power is vested in the people."Satyameva Jayate" are the words inscribed below the abacus in the National Emblem proclaiming that " truth alone triumphs ". The quest for freedom can not be suppressed. Freedom is the measure of man's dignity and greatness.Freedom is not simply the absence of tyranny or oppression.Nor freedom is the license to do whatever we like. However the greatest paradox is, in this free world, people live with fear. We must rediscover a spirit of hope and a spirit of trust. Timeless principles will guide all of us and let us take some time to ponder over the topic:-

1) In Pursuit of Personal Excellence:-

There are four kinds of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, those who wonder what has happened and those who don't know that anything had happened. But, in pursuit of personal excellence, the one and only mantra that prevails is "YOU CAN DO IT '. Any fear in this regard is but an illusion. There may be seemingly some intrusion but actually there may not be anything. We must put our right step forward and take the difficulty as an opportunity for progress and ultimately achieving success.

2) Be and Do Good :-

Technology is the enemy of reverence as technology the worship of man-made. This limits our worship of the divine. There is something inside every one of us which dictates " That is wrong; this is right and so on ". If we do some thing wrong, we need radical forgiveness, a sense of cleansing from the sense of inadequacy, from the knowledge that we have not been the kind of person we should be.

I know there is a part of me which is not physical, a part that I call as soul or spirit. Among things which are not physical, to name the few, are my identity, my sense of humour, my values,my memories. As these are not physical they are not subject to death. My soul can not die is not a religious dogma but a scientific fact. So as long as we live , "Be and do good" should remain as our motto.

3) Quality of Life :-

People find more meaning, happiness and fullfilment often as way to improve the quality of life. We go by timeless principle that Rome was not built in a day. We can not reduce weight or rebuild our marriage or build up a farm etc. over the week end. Correct principles are like compasses which are always pointing the way. If we know how to read them, we will not get lost, confused or fooled by others.

4) Be Positive:-

Positive thinking is another way of talking about faith - the faith in God. When we have a positive frame work, we find zest in carrying out the tasks with commitment and fairness.Thus we can make each day a better day.

5) Get the ego out of the way :-

When I want a quick fix, I am operating out of my ego.When I can not walk the talk, and dictate others to do, I am ego-centric . Under these circumstances, I can not find a lasting solution. I need to have a problem-solving approach bereft of ego. To heal the ego, we must believe in some source much greater than ourselves. We should also believe we are a part and have come from the same source.

Paramacharya advocates "Sashtanga Namaskara where all our limbs/joints are totally spread and touch the floor" is a form of total surrender which only is possible when we shed the ego part from us. The sublime self is in the posture of 'Saranagathi".

6) Learn to Communicate well:-

Communication is a language by itself and a means for expressing one's wishes, ideas and thoughts to others. Even the pet animals understand the language of their masters. Success is a direct derivative of communication skills. But the world is in a mess as there is lack of proper communication. The students don't understand their teachers, the politicians mislead the taxpayers, suppliers fall out of their customers' demands. Marketing does n't understand the language of the finance and sales that of service.

7) How to get what you want out of life :-

Dr. Joyce Brothers is a renowned psychologist whose audience number in millions and who has authored many best sellers on the topic. She says that it was not luck she won the $64000 Question. She set her eye on 'Cadillac" first as she thought that is the best thing in life till she watched 'THE $64000 QUESTION" - the most popular TV program of the era. Then onwards she set up the goal " What must it feel like to be rich beyond belief ". And one night she won , she won the sixty four. That was a watershed experience for her. She was asked to appear in TV and radio programs many times to give lectures and to write. She had pushed her energy, brain ,emotions to the limit to the point where it hurts. And she faced them as challenges in a sportive manner like a duck takes to water.

The first and most important step according to Dr. Joyce is to find out what you really want. Not what you think you should, what someone else thinks you should, but what you, the inner you, really want out of life.

In these processes "The Timeless Principles" will come to help .

Republic Day Greetings to all !!!!


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