'All that Exists is ONE ' - ' An Electrical Phenomenon ' !
(Sri Ranganathar, Sri Rangam)
'Buddhiman' in Tamil is one who is endowed with wisdom or intelligence. Similarly 'Gunavan' is one who possesses virtues and 'Balavan' possesses valour.
Who is Bhagavan?
HE who possesses "Bhaga" is Bhagavan. Bhagam refers to six supreme qualities which include (1) Gyanam (2) Balam (3) Iswaryam (4) Veeryam (5) Sakthi (6) Thejus. The collective name for the group of these six lakshanas or qualities is 'Bhaga'. The first of Vishnu Sahasranama is 'Viswam' which means 'Bhagavan'. Vedas bring forth the presence of Bhagavan. Vedam is that which pin points 'Parabrahmam'. ( Melkottai Chengalvarayan or Thiru Narayana )
Yagas are performed by reciting Vedas. The organ of speech is tongue. There occurs an interesting conversation between the tongue and the teeth. Tongue thanks the teeth for grinding the food items so that it can taste them. But the teeth belittles the tongue that it can not come out of the teeth. In other words should a person say something wrong, the other person warns that he would break the 32 teeth. So it would be nice to remain silent and the tongue should not cross the limit or from the boundary of teeth.(mouth). Teeth says the doer is someone but someone else gets punished. This is 'Kaliyuga Dharmam'. (Unique picture of Tirupathy Balaji)
The most effective worship in Kaliyuga is continuously reciting HIS namas. Upanishad says " EKAM VAIDAM VIBHUVA SARVAM ". This line signifies that " One Fire burns in many forms; One Sun illumines the darkness of the night; All that exists is ONE and it has taken all these Forms."
The recital of 'Vishnu Sahasranamam' was composed and initiated by Vyasa Rishi in front of Lord Krishna, which we know from the great epic Mahabharata. Though god's names can not be numbered or counted, as they are 'anantham', 1000 names of Vishnu are significant. "Charaka Samhiti" which is referred as an encyclopedia in Medicine or 'Vaidya Sastra' pronounces that 'Sravanam ' or hearing of the recital of Vishnu Sahasranamam cures all ills. Scholars describe the significance of two 'namas'(1) Narasimha and 2)Narayana with great devotion.
(Yoga Narasimha, Vijayavada)
(Yoga Narasimha believed to have been installed by Prahalad @ Melkottai)
Max Muller the renowned German Scholar describes 'Narasimha Avtar ' as an electrical phenomenon. Prahalad vehemently claimed " HE Exists " ('Asthi' in sanskrit)". Hiranyakashyap retorted 'Nasthi' or 'Doesn't exist'. The positive charge of Prahalad clashed with the negative charge as if to produce an electric charge and Narasimha Avatara happened with thunder and light in the form of a 'Jyoti-Swarupa'. It can be rightly termed as an electrical phenomenon! Electricity is Energy. The other name for Energy or Power is 'Sakthi'.
'Para Sakthi' is worshipped in temples."Sakthi-Illayel,Sivam" is a well known maxim in Tamil.
Narada advocated 'Brahma Gyanam' by reciting the name of 'Narayana, Narayana', repeatedly. 'Naram dadathi ithi Naradaha', meaning he who performs 'Pithru Tharpanam' by offering plenty of water. HE who resides in 'Naram' or 'water' ('Jale sayanam')is Narayana.
The meaning of Narayana can also be arrived by another interpretation. 'Chit-Achit' or 'Chethanam-Achethan' as a group is called "Narams". Jeevathma is endowed with 'Chit' or "wisdom". Achits are those which do not possess the sixth sense. They are 'jatams'. Chit also means those that move and achit are those who lay motionless. The abode of Narayana is in 'Narams'and hence called as Narayana.
Eating over-night rice which is kept in water, with a little salt and curd is not only tasty but has a cooling power and reduces the heat in the body. Narayana is also known as "Purana-Purusha". He who exists from time immemorial. Like old rice is consumed early in the morning, name of Narayana is recited early in the morning. Prayer heals the body and mind and those who pray with utmost devotion remain calm and collected.
The sahasranamam starts with the name " Viswam ". Viswam is Vishnu or the World (Prapancham in Sanskrit).In terms of cause and effect theory, 'Parabrahmam is the cause or the creator and the result is 'Prapancham' or the world. Who else can make this wonderful, vast surface of land, water,rocks, minerals, vegetation, animals, human beings which all live and co-exist?
Viswam also means that 'which is full'. HE has no wants. He gives only and more HE gives, the more HE has. If HE possesses everything, what we can offer to HIM? Bhagavan once asked a devotee who came to HIM to offer something HE did not have. When Bhagavan asked the devotee if he knew what it was the devotee replied that in Dwapara Yuga, Krishna was always surrounded by Gopikas who stole HIS heart. So the devotee offered his heart to the Lord. The significance is that whatever one may offer to the Lord, it should be offered with complete devotion.
The existence theory can be argued in different angles. Take the case of a pot. It didn't exist before it was made.(Piraga Bhavam) Should the pot be broken after it was made, it ceases to exist again.(Prathvamsa Bhavam). The clock is hung on the wall. You don't exist near the clock or the clock does not exist near you.(Anyonya Bhavam). Some never believe in giving or sharing what they have. In other words 'the spirit of giving ' never exists in them. (Athyantha Bhavam).
Paramatma is "Sarva - Vyapi". HE is every where at all times - Omnipresent. HE is inside as well as outside. HE is present at the bottom as well as at the top. 'Viswam' thus gives a meaning that HE is every where. HE is the whole world.
( Panduranga Vittala @ Pandaripuram)
The existence of Pot can be looked up again. The existence theory can be explained due to three causes. First cause is the raw material or resource namely the earth or mud. 2nd cause is due to the human effort of the potter. 3rd cause is the accessories needed like potter's wheel. If you consider the world as the result, Bhagavan becomes the cause. In fact HE is the cause and result for the world to exist. The name "Viswam" reveals the empathy of Cause and effect.
1) Vanathi Pathippagam book in Tamil titled " Kurai Onrum Illai " by Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimha Chariyar"
2) Lifco's Vishnusahasranama Stotram
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