Dear Friends,
Every morning on a hill top in an eastern sub-urb of Pittsburgh, the God awakens. Devotees sing in chorus " Kausalya Supraja Rama ...." and call the God in tune by names ' Lord Sri Venkataramana, Govinda, Ezhumalaiyandavane...' as they worship in Sri Venkateswara itemple in Penn Hills in Pittsburg. We were fortunate to visit the temple on 25th of August, the day being Saturday, considered auspicious to visit a Vaishnava-Perumal Temple.
Sri Venkateswara Temple in Pittsburgh in the State of Pennsylvania is one of the earliest Hindu Temples in USA. The temple has a 7th century architechture and is built in accordance with Agama Sastras in the image of a human body. Two sides of the temple represent the hands and the top of the temple is the head. The deity( Vishnu) resides in the innermost recess called the garbhagraha . The Agamas state that Narayana , the eternal divine being should be worshipped in an iconic form (murthi) in temples and homes. Divine power is manifested in itself in the form of a murthi, the icon and gets empowered by devotional music, vedic chanting, archanas, deepa aarathi, abhishekam, homam and prayers by devotees.
We were taken very close tothe presiding deity Sri Balaji, when we performed archana and had dharsan to heart's content. We went round the temple premises by way of a 'pradakshina' before boarding the car.
Earlier in the morning we left around 7 AM by car and our son and his wife shared the driving up to Pittsburgh. Our stay was in a posh luxury apartment in downtown. It is heartening to make a mention here that our son's very close childhood friend, and neighbor in Bangalore is employed in one of the top four software companies and now stationed at Pittsburgh. What a coincidence and indeed a pleasure to lodge in his apartment, a known place in an unknown territory, during the week end. Besides he has been been visiting S.V.Temple and taking around his friends to other tourist attractions in Pittsburgh and West Virginia, by road.
It is true that best of friends can always meet along the way of memory sweet, but here what I want to express is that it proved 'sweeter'.
The temple view is presented at the top in line with the popular saying
gopura dharsanam sarva papa vimochanam
We also joined the celebrations of 'Kalyana Uthsavam' being organised by the devotees and were invited to a sumptuous feast in the temple, the 'puliyodharai', stands always 'high' in a "Vaishnava-perumal"temple.
Shiridi Sai Baba Temple:-
We moved to the next nearest spot. It was the famous Shiridi Sai Baba Temple in Monroeville in Pennsylvania. Shiridi Bai Baba Temples are in Aurora, Florida, Chocago, Minnissota, Dallas, New York , New Jersey and in Pennsylvania in U.S. The atmosphere is quiet and we inhaled the cool mountain air.
"If you look to me, I look to you" says Baba. We also read the ten celebrated quotes of Shiridi Sai Baba and for the benefit of every one, they are reproduced below:-
1. Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an end.
2. The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness as soon as they climb
steps of my samadhi.
3. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body.
4. My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.
5. I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.
6. My mortal remains would speak from the tomb
7. I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek
refuge in me.
8. If you look to me, I look to you.
9. If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it.
10. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.
11. There shall be no want in the house of my devotees

The Shiridi Sai Baba's Temple is presented R.H.S.
Jain Temple
The Jain Temple is in a calm location in monroeville, PA. Inside the exotically sculptured red stone edifice, Mahavir Jain Swami is worshipped , all is peaceful,incense profound. Priest puts the conch shell in his lips and blows two long blasts in the middle which fades gradually and quietly into the thin air.
The idols of Parshwanath Mahavirswami, Radha Krishna, Lakshmi Narayan, Ram Parivar, Shiv parivar adorn the temple. That day being "Sani-Pradosham" and the time also was "Pradosha Kala", abhishekam was being performed to Lord Shiva.

Another coincidence, we wish to share here. My son recognised a person who had come to the Jain Temple with his wife, parents, almost after 16 years and called him correctly by name to his profound astonishment. He was no other than his school mate and my wife was his class teacher. My wife referred to some funny incidents in the class, which he could easily remember. My son joyfully brought out unique nostalgia anecdotes involving him. Time, Place, Memory play a delightful role in a man's life.
We reached the apartment very late in the evening after an eventful and memorable day. Pizza delight, vegetable rolls were ordered in a mood of festive joy and everyone enjoyed the item and drank Pepsi which goes well with the Pizza .
Pittsburgh Aerial night view ( the breath taking picture is presented when the description gets over ) is world famous and can be considered as a must out of the ten important sights in US. Our son's friend took us to that zone just around midnight. The spot is well known as Monogahela Incline. The funicular transport used for ascending and descending steep hills is more common in Europe for example the dauntingly steep steps to Basiliquidu Sacrecoeur in Paris. We were transported to 635 feet high at a 30 degrees incline to the Grand View Avenue which is also called Mount Washington. At the top, the Monongahela Incline deposits the passengers amid Mount Washington's famed restaurant and scenic overlooks.
The heart of Pittsburgh is truly its downtown. It has the sky scrappers, Govt.buildings, subway, convention center, but it has its own unique personality too. Looming black stone building stands tallest on the horizon keeping watch over its lessor neighbors. Jetson building which is now known as Oxford cent re shows the first signs of renaissance headed for high technology. PPG's mystical gothic glass castle, an innovative architectural design, reflects Pittsburgh's changing culture.
COME NIGHT FALL - THE STRIP COMES ALIVE in the Grand View Avenue, with its night life as varied as its shops and markets.Great views of the river, the sky scrappers present a panoramic view to the visitor as he w alks along the Mount Washington slope avenue incline. We then moved towards the fountain where almost ten strips of fountain were seen in operation and jets of water was seen going high and high and were in a state of dance and in gyration in tune with a haunting music being played. A rainbow of co lours was being enacted by the jets of sweeping and dancing water was a pleasing sight in midnight. We have to say 'good morning' as it was almost
1.30 a.m. when we climbed the bed for rest.

Visit to Mounds Ville in West Virginia via Ohio State:-
West Virginia is about two hours drive on a incline slope upwards and my son's friend drove with confidence straight to ISKCON Temple there.
Prabhu Pada's cherished wish was to establish the New Vrindaban Community in America. In 1968, The New Vrindaban Community was founded in West Virginia to fulfill Prabhupada's dream of an ideal society based on Krishna Consciousness, or love of God. There was no electricity, no running water in their only building, a battered pioneer shack. But when Srila Prabhupada had a vision of "seven temples on the seven hills," suddenly all obstacles seemed insignificant to his followers. By 1972, the community had expanded from 100 acres to 500 acres.
The New Vrindaban Holy Dham is set in the beautiful and peaceful Appalachian Mountains in the rural West Virginia Panhandle. This spiritual community has been a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of visitors each year.
Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra Mandir, the main temple hall, is the main attraction of many wonderful attractions in the New Vrindaban Community and is usually the first stop for all visitors and pilgrims.
Apart from the wonderful gardens, other attractions include a gift shop, an organic vegetable garden, snack bar, health shop, and Prabhupada's Palace of Gold.

Sri Sri Radha Vrndavana Candra
Sri Jaganath

Sri Gopal Nathaji
Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai
Sri Nrsimhadeva
Prabhupada's Palace of Gold
In 1973, the devotees decided to build a home for Srila Prabhupada, where he could write all his books and enjoy the clean country air.
Devotees built Prabhupada's Palace as the first of the seven temples here; a project that took seven hard years. It immediately became the most famous Hare Krishna temple in North America.
The Palace attracts millions of visitors and is an incredible place of pilgrimage in North America. Tours include ten elaborate marble rooms, gardens, man-made lakes with swans, sculpture, museum, gift shop and restaurant.
New Vrindavan's Organic Garden
There are no artificial chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides used in the gardens. Srila Prabhupada wanted to have a community based on self-sufficiency, and being able to grow one's own food is paramount in becoming self-sufficient. Food will be available to our community year-round. One goal is to educate people on the medicinal use of foods and of plants and the benefits of a natural diet and lifestyle. Youth in the area is taught about organic farming and hard work.
Vrindavan Dham GiftShop
Located in Sri Sri Radha Vrndavana Candra's temple, carries a large variety of traditional Indian clothing. Many devotional items such as Deities and associated paraphernalia, including framed photographs, incense, japa beads and bead bags, artik items, books, Krishna Conscious tapes and CDs, and New Vrindaban souvenirs also available
Krishna's Attic
Krishna's Attic is located on the lower floor of the Guest Lodge right next to Yamuna's Health Food Store.
We returned to Pittsburgh late in ht evening and went to THAI PLACE which provides an enjoyable Thai Food, it was a change from the routine and we enjoyed the food items which I am not able to name now.The food court is of course expensive,
The long night drive from Pittsburgh to Canton, Michigan:-
We decided to return home same day and my son had no hesitation to drive from Pittsburgh to Michigan. The distance of 281 miles - we estimated 5 hours to cover . There were large transport vehicles moving in tandem and which we overtook smoothly. We stopped at only one place namely, the Plazas service zone for ten minutes and carried on driving. Touch wood, we reached safe home and when we looked up the watch, we realized we had covered the distance by 30 minutes less than our estimate of 5 hours.
-The essay pictures the odyssey of visiting temples in U.S.in fag end of August 2007. Most part of the journey was via Ohio State. We felt when we reached home at the v -hours that we have visited more States during this trip which include Colorado, Denver, Michigan,Canada, Toronto, Pennsylvania, Ohio,and West Virginia.
Bye of now and I shall be glad to know whether you have pursued this blog along with the details as well as the pictures.
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